个人简历 郭再勤,笔名锐石,1962年生,从事教学工作二十余年。祖籍陕西省神木县,现定居北京。曾从师著名画家白庚延先生,现为专业山水画家,国家一级美术师,世界艺术家协会理事,中国美术家协会内蒙古分会会员,中国艺术研究院特邀书画师,发现杂志社副理事长。作品《秋山明净而如妆》曾展出于原中国历史博物馆且被收藏,国画《敕勒川》获第三届世界华人艺术大奖金奖,作品收录《世界华人文学艺术名人录》,《世界美术集》,《世界名人录》等多部典籍。 郭再勤与笔者谈及他的创作思路和心得时说:“中西合璧是我今生追寻的道路。黄宾虹如果说是开创了现代山水画的新局面,那么毕加索为西方绘画铺垫了新的基石。而马蒂斯大胆的色彩夸张,为当今浪漫主义艺术的发展指明了新的方向,不管中国画,还是西方绘画,各自有着不同的绘画语言,任何艺术到了一个新的时期,都会有一个新的面目。文艺复兴时期的写实性绘画,在今天不复存在,但新的写实绘画还在继续,正如同宋朝范宽的画是一个面目,而清朝的石涛则是另一个面目,中国画的最高境界是气韵,但离开笔墨是不复存在的,如果说笔墨是中国画的精髓,那么色彩就是西洋画的血液,离开色彩,西画就不存在了。如果在我们的中国画当中吸收到西画的色彩,以及西画的结构表现,又何尝不可呢?现在有许多中国画家均尝试着将西画融入到中国画中来,如刘海粟、吴冠中等人,他们不是结合的很好吗?我们并不要将自己(中国画)封闭起来,应该让中国画吸收更多更好的营养,成长起来,将世界优秀的文化融合进来,来更好的完善中国画,另外也可以用中国画去画世界,我们的国人应该走出去,让中国人了解世界,让世界也认识中国和中国画,上世纪马蒂斯的绘画不是也吸收了中国画吗?也只有这样,才能使中西绘画融合的更好。我自己是这样摸索着,寻找一条新路,别人没有走过的充满荆棘的路。” 在郭再勤先生的新作品中,用直线对画面“切割”已成为他艺术表达的重要手法。不惜借鉴西方现代的抽象构成形式,甚至借助现代艺术精神对“几何学”理念的推崇,将水墨本体的形式美感都统一在主观情感的宣泄和感觉之中,而成为心灵抒情的一种形式,使之从物质层面上升到精神层面。 其本人追求的是未来,愿望是创造,在追求艺术的道路上,他甘愿做艺术的探险者。他说:“一个画家要追求艺术的真本,必须跳出当代纷纭喧嚣的假象,时时从历史的角度衡量自己,这需要冷静、自信、约束和创新。” 白庚延先生评价“其山水画意境开阔,气势雄伟,笔法苍劲,茂密而不繁,峭秀而不蹇,可谓繁简天成,构图独特,自成一体. 郭再勤万幅书画网络展筹备中,敬请关注! 锐石大画艺术中心即将成立! Zaiqin Guo, under the pen name Rui Shi, born in 1962, engaged in teaching more than twenty years. Shenmu native of Shaanxi Province and now lives in Beijing. Has studied with famous painter Mr. Bai Gengyan, is a professional landscape painter, artist at the national level, the World Arts Association, Inner Mongolia Branch of China Artists Association, member of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Art Research Institute invited teachers, vice chairman of the magazine found. Work, "Akiyama bright and clean and if makeup" has been exhibited in the Museum of Chinese History and is the original collection of paintings, "Chile chuan" won the third World Chinese Art Awards Gold Award, the work included in "Who's Who in the world of Chinese literature and art", "World Art Set, "" Who in the World "and many other books. Guo then ground with the author about his creative ideas and experience, said: "Chinese and Western pursue the path of my life. Binhong If the modern landscape painting is to create a new situation, then Picasso painting, paving the way for the West a new foundation. And Matisse bold colors exaggerated, romantic art for today pointed out the new direction, regardless of Chinese painting, or Western painting, painting each with a different language, no art to a new era, there will be a new face. realism of Renaissance painting, no longer exist today, but the new realistic painting continues, just as Song Chaofan a wide face painting, and Qing Shi Tao is another face of the highest level of Chinese painting is artistically , but leave the ink is gone, and if the ink is painting the essence, then the color is the Western painting's blood, leaving the color, oil painting would not exist. If our Chinese painting were absorbed into Western painting color, and Western painting structural performance, then why not? now there are many Chinese artists are trying to draw into the West to Chinese painting, such as the Liu Hai Su, Wu Guanzhong, who, they are not a good combination? We do not want to own (Chinese painting) closed, should be allowed to absorb more Chinese painting better nutrition, growing up, excellent cultural integration of the world come to better improve Chinese painting, Chinese painting also can also be used to paint the world, our people should go out and get the Chinese people understand the world and the world can know China and Chinese painting, Matisse's painting is not the last century, Chinese painting has absorbed it? is the only way to make a better integration of Chinese and Western painting. I am so groping to find a new path , others do not walk the road full of thorns. " Mr. Guo Zaiqin in the new works, with a straight line on the screen, "cutting" has become an important expression of his artistic practice. Hesitate to draw on the abstract form of modern Western forms, and even with the spirit of modern art on the "geometry" concept of the respected, the beauty of ink in the form of body are unified in the subjective feelings of catharsis and senses, and become a form of heart lyrics, so that from the material rose to the level of spirit. Pursuit of his own future, wish to create, in the pursuit of art on the road, he knowingly sell art explorer. He said: "an artist to pursue the art of authentic, must be divided out of the hustle and bustle of contemporary illusion, always measure ourselves from a historical perspective, which requires a calm, self-confidence, discipline and innovation." Mr. Bai Gengyan evaluation "of its Landscape Painting in the open, imposing, vigorous strokes, dense and not complex, Qiao Jian Xiu not be described as display Traditional and Simplified heavens, and mapping a unique, self-contained. Guo Qin ten thousand re-painting exhibition in the pipeline network, stay tuned! Rui Shi large painting art center to be set up!